
Twinings čaj

Synonym for tea


Thea Camellia
or our known three-letter version, tea is best described by a saying of William Ewart Gladstone „ If you are cold, tea will warm you up, if you are hot tea will cool you down. If you are depressed tea will cheer you up, if you are excited tea will calm you down. “

This exceptional plant is dominated by two varieties, Chinese (Lat. Camellia sinensis
) and Indian (Lat. Camellia assamica
), and the history of tea itself begins more than 4,000 years ago. According to legend, the father of Chinese medicine, Emperor Shen Nung (originally Shennong
), discovered this amazing plant by chance, as great discoveries often are. Supposedly, while resting under a tree during a hunting trip, he was boiling water from a nearby river for refreshment, when a gust of wind blew a couple of leaves from the Camellia sinensis
plant that was growing nearby into the pot. The boiling water soon changed color, and an unfamiliar aroma reached Shen Nung's nostrils. Intrigued, he tasted the new drink, which delighted him with its aroma and the quick wave of refreshment that relieved his fatigue from the long day's hunt. Thus, in 2373 BC, the "magic potion" that we still love and enjoy was created.
During the Tang dynasty rule (618 - 907), tea was declared a national drink of China, and the first records about its preparation were written by the Chinese poet Lu Yu in a book titled Ch'a Ching
(Eng. The Classic of Tea)
which dates back to the 8th century. Allegedly, Japanese Buddhist monks studying in China first introduced tea to Japan, thus it reached Europe primarily through Japan. Older records claim that the first shipment of tea was brought from Japan to the Netherlands in 1610, and from there it spread all around Europe, though at the time this beverage was still a luxury affordable only to the wealthy.
It is believed that Catherine of Braganza, the wife of the English king Charles II, popularized this beverage by serving it to her aristocratic friends, and it soon became a trend all over the country. The best representative of tea to this day is the Twinings company, based in the small English town of Andover in Hampshire.
This globally recognized company was founded by an English merchant, Thomas Twining, who opened a coffee house called Tom's Coffee House
in central London in 1706, where he primarily served the still lesser-known beverage - tea. At that time, coffee houses were extremely popular, visited both for private and business affairs, so the competition was huge and various methods of attracting customers were needed. There was still no competition for tea at that time, so Thomas focused on serving primarily tea, which turned out to be a brilliant move, considering everyone started coming in for a cup of warm tea.
Word spread so widely that Thomas soon began selling more dry tea than the finished product, even to competing coffee houses. At that time, only well-to-do people could afford this popular drink, and in 1707 Gunpowder Green Tea
from Twinings reached a price equivalent to today's 150 pounds, or over 1300 Croatian kuna for 100 grams. At a time when visiting coffee houses was exclusively a man's privilege, women found ways to serve this exotic drink at home. Although they were not allowed inside the coffee houses, they would order their drivers to fetch them the magic plant while they waited in their carriages.
Thomas's son, Daniel, first started exporting Twinings tea. According to records, as early as 1749 it was being sold to America, specifically to the governor of Massachusetts. You could say the person responsible for reducing the tea tax was Richard Twining, the grandson of the founder Thomas, who managed to convince the then Prime Minister, William Pitt, that reducing the tea tax would increase revenues and discourage smuggling. Soon after, in 1784, the Commutation Act was passed, significantly reducing the tea tax, thus making tea affordable for everyone. This event is considered the beginning of the culture of daily tea drinking and could also be called the start of the tea revolution.
Twinings' logo was created in 1787 and is still the oldest logo that has remained unchanged by any company. The entrance to the cult coffee house is embellished by a golden lion laying in the middle as a sign of respect towards the founder, Thomas Twining, flanked by Chinese people on either side as a symbol of trade with China, the country that was for a long time the only source of tea. Twinings became a British institution in 1837 when Queen Victoria issued them a Royal Warrant, making them a permanent supplier of teas to the royal family. Twinings began making the first tea bags, as we know them today, in 1956, and the idea for them was quite accidental. Namely, a tea dealer named Thomas Sullivan sent his customers samples of tea in small silk bags, who then brewed the tea along with the bag in the water.
Even though tea originated in China, today the most famous tradition of tea drinking is British. According to current statistics, this drink accounts for almost half of the total adult UK population's fluid intake, and the global popularity of tea is evident in the fact that, after water, the most commonly consumed fluid in the world is tea. From a small tea house, which is still in operation and serves as a type of time capsule and mini museum about the history of Twinings, to a globally recognized brand supplying the royal family with its products, Twinings teas have been warming up not only stomachs but also human hearts for over three centuries. Today, the company has over 500 varieties of tea sold in 115 countries.
A Chinese proverb says: „ Just as we wash externally with water, we wash internally with tea.“
Hence, let's enjoy tea whenever we get a chance.



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